--> マッキンゼーが選んだit media ビジネスの10個の原則/Satellite Marketing: Using Social Media to Create Engagement【楽天海外直送】【英語の本】【洋書】


マッキンゼーが選んだit media ビジネスの10個の原則

TOP > Satellite Marketing: Using Social Media to Create Engagement【楽天海外直送】【英語の本】【洋書】

Satellite Marketing: Using Social Media to Create Engagement【楽天海外直送】【英語の本】【洋書】

Satellite Marketing: Using Social Media to Create EngagementSatellite marketing uses multiple social media sites as a series of marketing sub-stations or "satellites." Each satellite is a stand-alone marketing effort, which means that if and when your prospects are engaged, they are being introduced to your brand, your product and services, and your community of users. Prospects presented with a call to action through satellite marketing are more likely to act because they are actively engaged with your message. Identifying opportunities for social media within integrated marketing communications, Satellite Marketing outlines a proven process to help you create an actionable strategic plan based on measurable goals. It provides business owners, CEOs, CMOs, and sales people with a comprehensive strategy for leveraging new media and integrating it with conventional marketing tactics. Traditional marketing is still important, and the context of social media will make traditional tactics more effective. Dispelling many of the myths surrounding social media, this book will help you: Develop an effective social media strategy to boost sales and brand awareness Identify and target relevant markets Create, deploy, and maintain effective satellites Measure the success of your satellite marketing campaigns The book explains why successful marketing has evolved from product-centric to customer-centric. It presents valuable lessons learned from established communications channels that apply to social media. It also details a step-by-step process to help you identify measurable goals, better understand your audience, create a strategy, select the appropriate social media, build engagement, develop a communications plan, and monitor performance. This book is written by Kevin Popovic, the Founder of Ideahaus (R). Mr. Popovic is a speaker, educator, and was recently named a Top 20 Digital Marketing Strategist for 2015 by the Online Marketing Institute.Dimensions: 25.15 x 17.53 x 1.52 centimetres (0.52 kg)サテライトマーケティングは、一連のマーケティングサブステーションまたは「サテライト」として複数のソーシャルメディアサイトを使用します。










この本はIdeahaus(R)の創始者であるKevin Popovicによって書かれています。


寸法:25.15 x 17.53 x 1.52センチメートル(0.52 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。



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